Launching 1.5 Degrees

In categories: 

The 1.5 Degrees campaign is a global ranking of the top 30 universities assessing to what extent their courses are preparing graduates for a 1.5oC future. We will be conducting a study to assess the world’s top 30 universities and how their Engineering, Law, Economics, Health and Politics programme aligns with the IPCC call to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5oC

We launched the campaign at COP27, you can watch the recording of our launch below.

By ranking these universities, we will put pressure on institutions to change their curriculums to prepare students to address the climate emergency and ecological crisis through their careers. 

We plan to announce the rankings from the campaign in January 2023. Follow us to stay updated, and join us in creating a more just and sustainable world through education. Join our mailing list and follow Mock COP on instagram and twitter for more.